
Using Sign Language for Classroom Management

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C Many people are familiar with the idea of what is known as “baby sign language”. The idea that a pre-verbal infant or a toddler with emerging verbal skills can use sign language to communicate with caregivers is immensely attractive to many people. However, time after time I hear, “Oh yes, we signed MILK and MORE with Tommy, but then he started talking and we stopped.”   You know, I did the same thing! I signed with my son when he was an infant and then let it fade as he became verbal. However, after joining …

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Using Signing Time to make a difference in the world

I get the privilege of reading the wonderful things people are up to on the Signing Time forums, and have the opportunity to read through some incredibly heart-felt and inspiring testimonials that are submitted. I have also become acquainted with many of our fans through our weekly Wednesday night chats. I am inspired when I read blogs where people share their amazing journeys. I recently came across the Vernon Journal blog that touched me and reminded me that there are people who are making a difference in the world. I hope you enjoy reading it as much I did. This …

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