Parenting Articles

What Do I Do When My Toddler Is Aggressive?

  It is part of normal development for toddlers and preschoolers to exhibit aggressive behavior. Just like all other aspects of development, there is a wide range when it comes to aggressive behavior. The aggression comes down to a child not being able to regulate their emotions during a particular situation. The aggression may occur because your child is tired or hungry. Others occur because your child has something unexpected happen and they don’t know how to manage their emotions in that situation. These are often referred to as triggers. Evaluating your child before and during the tantrum will help you …

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Why Does My Child Have Tantrums? How Can I Deal With the Tantrums?

As a parent, you will not escape your child having a tantrum, meltdown, or emotional outburst. Helping your child learn to regulate emotions is a normal part of development. For parents, it is important to understand why tantrums occur, how to respond, or how to respond to them effectively. These can be even harder to understand when they occur past the expected developmental “terrible twos”. Keep in mind for some children there may be underlying causes such as learning disabilities, sensory processing issues, ADHD, and/or being on the autism spectrum. Why does my child have tantrums? Many parents have a different classification …

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5 Mistakes You’re Making When Signing With Your Baby

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C. The decision to sign with your baby is a smart one. In fact, research has shown that signing with children from infancy to right through the time speech develops – and beyond- can contribute to improvements in IQ and language development in amazing ways. But is there a right and wrong way to get started? Here are five common pitfalls families face when signing with Baby. 1. Listening to the nay-sayers: I hear it all the time, “My mother-in-law says she’ll never speak if I sign!” or “My son’s daycare provider says signing delays language! …

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One Family’s Story – Sign Language to Law School

One of the most wonderful gifts we get here at Two Little Hands is hearing how sign language has made a difference in families lives. We received this story from a family in Indiana and we had to share it with you. Thank you, Bob, for taking the time to share your story with us. Sign Language at 3, to Law School, to Signing with Grandchildren I wanted to tell you about what happened almost 40 years ago. My wife and I decided to take a signing class at our church. One evening we were eating supper and our first daughter …

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Learn Color Signs plus Free Coloring eBooks

It’s Back-to-School and the perfect time to learn your colors. (Perfect savings, too!) Why not learn the colors of the rainbow – and put them to practice with our free coloring ebooks? Join in with the kids for a fun after-school activity. Learn ASL signs for colors This song from Box of Crayons is a fun way to help your child learn American Sign Language signs for all the colors of the rainbow – and then some! [youtube] Practice the Signs Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Pink Purple White Black Brown Silver Gold Get the Video at a special price – just for you. Click here …

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Proven Benefits of Using Sign Language With Your Kids

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C. Baby sign language has lots of benefits and many people are on board with signing with babies. But what about using sign language for kids who have developed some spoken language? Should you still sign? While there may naturally be a (sometimes temporary) downturn in using sign after spoken language emerges, we say stick with it! The benefits are vast. In fact, we have 60 great reasons to keep signing compiled for you here. A big shout out and thanks to our amazing Signing Time Facebook communities for helping with this list! You should still sign …

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The Advantages of Signing in the Classroom and Homeschool

Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., revised by Rose Turnbow Teachers in a classroom setting and families who homeschool their children have a wonderful opportunity to choose curriculum and activities tailored exactly to children’s needs and interests. Let’s look at some of the ways that signing with your child or class can be integrated into your day. Capitalize on learning strengths Children learn in different ways and through a variety of strengths. Sign language taps into tactile (touch), auditory, visual, and kinesthetic (movement) ways of communicating. Signing appeals to many ages, making it ideal to use when you are working with more than one child. …

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Are You “Just-a-Mom”?

“Mother dear, I love you so,

Your happy smiling face

Is such a joy to look at,

It makes home a lovely place”

This was a song I sang many years ago as little girl in Jr. Sunday School. Our mothers wore corsages, got a long-stemmed carnation or a little plant from the church, and had either had breakfast in bed prepared by the children with help from Father, or went out after church services to a nice place for lunch.

I am a Baby-Boomer, born in the post-World War II years between 1946 and 1956.

Why Use Sign Language in Homeschool?

Written by: Rose Turnbow American Sign Language (ASL) is perfect for homeschoolers because: American Sign Language is a qualifying foreign language to most colleges. Teaching ASL helps students become more engaged through cognitive and whole-body learning. Signing is a powerful tool for behavior management in the classroom. It encourages students to be more alert and aware of the instructor when using silent cues (ASL). Reinforces other classroom curricula. Children have fun learning it. When I was homeschooling my two daughters, not knowing a second language myself, the idea of a required foreign language was daunting.  In my research, I found out that most colleges …

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What Is The Funniest Thing Your Child Has Ever Done With Signing?

I started signing with my hearing daughter when she was 6 months old. Originally, my goal was to be able to communicate with her before she could talk. As she grew, signing became so much more than that! She’s now 7 years old and, looking back, I can’t help but think of all the little “moments” that I would have missed if we didn’t have baby sign language! It truly opens up a window into your child’s mind. One day, when my daughter was about 14 months old, she started tugging at my jeans frantically signing SQUIRREL and pointing out the window. I had …

What Is The Funniest Thing Your Child Has Ever Done With Signing? Read More »

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