Parenting Articles

Exercising at home with your kids

Boost Happiness and Energy: Exercise More with Your Kids

We’re at the end of January, and we all need to find ways to boost happiness and energy in our daily life. This is the month when many of us decide to get back to exercising. During this time of pandemic, we may not have the option to hit the gym. At-home options are key now. But with young children, or even with school aged children at home more often, it’s not always easy to find a good time to work out alone. So why not try to make exercising a together thing? Start exercising at home with your kids! …

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help your kids learn to serve others

Help Your Kids Learn to Serve Others

I think we’d all agree that our world is in a good bit of turmoil. There is a worldwide pandemic, the resulting economic concerns, racial turmoil, and political unrest. How do we process all the tension and unkindness with our kids? As parents, it’s our job to help our kids process current events and navigate the world around them. So, in a time with such unrest and unkindness, let’s help our kids move forward in kindness. Let’s help our kids learn to serve others. Why does this matter? Well, the best way to combat the dark is to bring in …

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keeping plants can be healthy and fun

Keeping Houseplants Can Be Healthy and Fun

It can be fun to explore the lesser known days in our calendars. Did you know that January 10, 2021 is National Houseplant Appreciation Day? This is a fun find, and it’s quite fitting for this time of year. Keeping houseplants can be healthy and fun! Many of us have put away our holiday decorations. After the lights and colors of the holidays, our homes can seem rather plain. Houseplants can add some life and vibrance back into our homes. Additionally, January is winter for many of us, and it does not provide much greenery or life. Houseplants give us …

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Strengthening Our Family Relationships

Setting New Year Goals with Our Kids

It’s that time of year! We’re thinking ahead to the new year. How can we make things better? And in the turmoil and the pandemic of 2020, we’re all hoping things will get better in 2021. While we can’t control the world around us, we can certainly make good choices for ourselves and our families. So, let’s look at some things to consider in setting new year goals with your kids. Do New Year goals even matter? We’ve all set resolutions, only to give up on them within a short time. So is there any reason to keep trying? Research …

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holiday games for busy, happy kids

Holiday Games for Busy, Happy Kids

The holiday season keeps us busy, even in this 2020 pandemic time, with planning and wrapping, baking and gifting. In these busy times, you may need your kids to stay occupied. With a little planning ahead, you can prep some simple holiday games to keep your kids busy and happy while you get things done. Games and fun are our kids’ language for learning. If it’s fun, it will stick in their minds so much better. We can keep them busy and help them learn at the same time with these holiday games for busy, happy kids. Since kids love …

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holiday stories to read with your kids

Holiday Stories to Read to Your Kids

The holiday season is filled with traditions and extras. We enjoy the treats and fun associated with whichever holiday our family celebrates. In between all the joy-filled traditions and fun, why not cuddle up with your kids and dig into some holiday stories? The holidays are a wonderful time to discover some new books or even to enjoy them again for another year.  Favorite holiday books could become part of your holiday traditions. So let’s look at some holiday stories to read to your kids. We love using our signs and songs to establish a reading together routine. Let’s start …

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Make this holiday season fun and special

Make This Holiday Season Fun and Special

The holidays have always been about people. We are so grateful for you, the people that make our community so special. We hope your holiday is season is bright. This year, 2020, to start your season off right our gift to you is Signing Time Christmas, available to stream for free on our My Signing Time app. The decorations, the food, the gifts – they were always supposed to be about the people we love. It’s about making them smile, enjoying the extra time with them, celebrating life with them.  The memories and traditions are really about being together.  People …

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gratitude in the holiday season

The Power of Gratitude this Holiday Season

Many of us are coming out of a week of gratitude, and as usual, many of us are charging full speed ahead into the holiday season. This year, it seems that we are all so excited to jump into our December holidays. After months of pandemic burdens, people are ready to celebrate something, to enjoy traditions, to put up the decorations and bring joy to their communities. In my own community, I’m seeing more holiday decorations out than ever before, and they’ve been out for a few weeks now. We’re all ready for some joy, and this visible declaration that …

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family eating together

Eat Dinner Together as a Family

Family dinners can seem like formal affairs or like something out of an old fashioned setting. In today’s modern world, it’s easy for us to get busy with work, school, and all the other activities of life. With conflicting schedules, each family member just grabs some food whenever he or she can get to it. So why should we eat dinner together as a family? It may not seem to matter whether we eat dinner together or not, as long as everyone gets fed. Recent research, however, tells us that there is measurable value to eating dinner as a family. …

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help kids learn good oral care

Help Your Kids Learn Good Oral Care

We all know that it’s important to take care of our teeth. And in the last several years, oral health has been tied to many other health issues, like diabetes and heart disease. If we help our kids learn good oral care now, they will carry those good habits with them as they grow. So, let’s look at some ways we can help our kids take good care of their teeth. We can start by learning the sign for “brush teeth.”  Pretend your pointer finger is a toothbrush, and then move it back and forth just like you’re brushing your …

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