Parenting Articles

change the world

A Day to Think About How You Can Change the World

Nelson Mandela International Day is a day to remember that each person can have an impact on the world. It is observed on Mandela’s birthday, July 18, each year, and it has been celebrated officially since 2010. While Nelson Mandela was a controversial figure, he did indeed positively change the world, and your kids can learn good things from his historical work in South Africa. The purpose of Mandela Day is not to be a huge public holiday. Instead, it is a day to honor Mandela’s legacy and his values through community service. It’s a day to think about how …

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camping with little ones

Camping With Little Ones Can Be Simple and Fun

Camping is a favorite summer activity for many people. The outdoors, whether in the mountains or at the lake, attracts us with its scenery and its simplicity. However, even some of the most committed campers take a break when children come into their lives. It seems to get much more complicated when you are camping with little ones. When something becomes complicated, we’re less likely to do it. If camping with kids has become complicated, the only solution is to find a way to simplify it. Let’s look at a few ways to simplify camping with little ones. The first …

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bring more kindness into our world

Let’s Bring More Kindness into Our World

Kindness can be an overlooked character quality. Sometimes we think it’s an automatic thing, so we don’t work to develop it in ourselves or in our kids. Unfortunately, we’ve seen more than enough evidence that kindness is not always valued in our world. So how can we bring more kindness into our world? Can we make kindness become part of our culture? Part of our culture? That sounds like a very tall order. Can we really change our culture with our own families’ values? It does sound a bit overwhelming, doesn’t it? But don’t let that discourage you from making …

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balance responsibility and fun

How to Balance Responsibility and Family Fun

Summer can be both a fun and a crazy time for parents. Our kids are free from school or pre-school, and they have fewer pressures in their schedules. However, we parents can feel the pressure of more on our shoulders. We face our normal jobs, our regular daily work, plus the extra responsibilities of keeping our kids occupied. Many of us would like our kids to learn some responsibility during these summer months as well. So how do we balance all of this? What if we found a way to balance responsibility and family fun?  Decide between the necessary and …

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have fun with fruits and vegetables

It’s a Good Time to Have Fun with Fruits and Vegetables

The spring and summer seasons give us so many wonderful fresh foods to enjoy. With such a variety of colors and flavors, it’s a great time to help your littles learn about fruits and vegetables. It’s a good time to try some new ones too! You can have lots of fun with fruits and vegetables! Start with your favorites You can begin your learning fun with your kids’ favorite fruits and veggies. In the Signing Time Dictionary, we have several signs for fruits and vegetables, like apple, banana, carrot, grapes, lettuce, orange, peach, pear, and peas. Have your kids learn …

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Helping your preschooler get ready to read

Helping Your Preschooler Get Ready to Read

It can be daunting to think about helping your preschooler get ready to read. I think that teaching my kids to read was a task I dreaded as much as I dreaded potty training. The success when it was accomplished was equally celebrated as I sighed a relieved, “Whew, another one down!” And, just like when I finished potty training for good, when I finished teaching my youngest to read, my happy thought was, “I never have to do that again!” It’s a job worth doing, but we’re happy to be finished with it. While helping our preschoolers get ready …

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Ways to Fight Your Kids' Summer Boredom

Let’s Get our Children Playing Outside

Does anyone else struggle to get your kids to play outside? The stereotype holds true at my house. My kids have to be convinced, prodded, and forced to get outside. And then, after the struggle to get them outside, what happens? Most of the time, they end up loving it, and then they don’t want to stop playing outside. This struggle is totally worth it, because there are so many benefits to children playing outside! The Benefits Preschoolers need to stay active throughout the day. Of course, anyone who has spent time with a preschooler is very aware of this …

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teach kids to be honest

It’s Important to Teach Our Kids to Be Honest

I think it’s safe to say that we all want honest kids. Honesty is such an important part of life, affecting our relationships, our careers, and most of our general interactions. Understanding how to communicate our feelings and then listening to the feelings of those around us helps children understand the importance of honesty. None of us enjoy dealing with a dishonest person, and as parents, we really don’t enjoy dealing with dishonest children. So how do we teach our kids to be honest people? Everybody does it First, we have to be willing to face the fact that kids …

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enjoy spring cleaning with your kids

Enjoy Spring Cleaning with Your Kids

Spring can be such an inspiring, happy time for us. We love to see new life emerging. The warmer weather is welcome after the chill of winter. We feel inspiration to open the windows and air out our homes. And after several months of being at home, especially in this time of pandemic, we are ready to give our homes a good cleaning. But when you have kids at home, it can be hard to get them involved, and it can be hard to enjoy spring cleaning with your kids. Cleaning with kids around can certainly be a challenge. You have …

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live out Earth Day every day

Let’s Live Out Earth Day Every Day

Special days on our calendars help us to teach our kids about the bigger world around them. April is full of these special calendar days, and since Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, April is considered to be “Earth Month”. This is the perfect time of year to watch Extraordinary Earth on My Signing Time. In this episode our treeschoolers explore what makes the earth so special and how we can be stewards of our planet. It’s great to celebrate Earth Day and Earth Month. But beyond these celebrations, we can help our kids know how to take care …

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