Educational Articles

Establishing the Foundations of Literacy

written by Colleen Brunetti One of the hottest topics in education today is that of literacy, or the ability to read and write fluently. Teachers and parents alike have a vested interest and heightened awareness of the need for strong early literacy skills in children and introducing them to sign language as a way to facilitate this learning process. The topic of sign language and literacy is something you will want to incorporate into your Signing Time classes and have a good working knowledge of, if you wish to collaborate with or sell to preschools and early elementary classrooms.   …

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Signing is Expression

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed. One of my favorite things to do when introducing children to sign language is to talk about the value of expression while signing. It really helps the language begin to come alive, and it also taps into a child’s natural exuberance. Last year I had the pleasure of being a guest of the PTA Cultural Committee at my son’s school and I taught a lesson on “Feelings” to four Kindergarten classes and one preschool class. It was a blast, and I thought I’d share the lesson and some of the supplies I used. Feel free to …

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Signing is Movement

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed. Over the last several years, children have become more and more sedentary, spending longer time in front of a screen, and less time running, jumping and just moving.  There’s been a lot of concern over the consequences of this change in activity level: from issues with physical development, to childhood obesity, to learning and behavioral problems. Add to that more time sitting at desks in the classroom, and less time running at recess and gym, and we as a nation have a challenge on our hands. This is not to say all is lost, however. PBS …

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Instructor-to-Instructor: Our Potty Time Workshop

 by Colleen Brunetti  Two of our Signing Time Academy instructors, Arleigh Luckett and Kristy Simons recently participated in The National Canadian Down Syndrome Society Conference. This family oriented conference gave them a great opportunity to showcase Potty Time in a workshop for professionals and parents alike. The title of their workshop – “Potty Time: A Whole Body Approach to Potty Learning” mirrored our philosophy. The room was full, with 40 – 50 people in attendance.   The first thing Arleigh and Kristy did when preparing this workshop was to carefully analyze Potty Time to figure out what made it special, as …

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Helping Your Clients To See Signing as Learning

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed. Take a moment to think about why people take your signing classes. Many of my clients have told me they want to know what their baby wants before spoken language has developed. Some appreciate the bonding opportunity. Others are just looking for something to do with their infant or toddler and signing classes seem like a good social opportunity. These are all great reasons to take a signing class! But have your clients started to see the cognitive benefits of signings? In other words, do they see signing as learning, at least beyond some simple vocabulary …

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These are a Few of My Favorite Things: Online Teaching Resources

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd Fall is fast approaching, and with it comes back to school planning and, for those of us who had a quiet summer with teaching signing classes, a chance to power up and make this our best season so far. There are almost limitless resources for teaching out there. The SigningTime Academy has provided us with three great ones to start: The Instructor’s Manual, The Classroom Edition, and The Preschool and Childcare Program (PCP).  If you are a part of the Signing Time Academy, you get the Instructor’s Manual when you sign on. The Classroom Edition comes …

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A Signing Song for Mealtime!

This song is from the Signing Time Preschool and Child Care Program, Vol. 1. It’s great for infants and toddlers. Sign the words that are in all caps. You can make new verses by adding different words – any sign will work! Download the lyrics to this song – PDF Buy the Preschool and Child Care Program, Vol. 1 $49.99 Buy the Complete Preschool and Child Care Program, $199.95  

New White Paper Sums Up Three Decades of Signing Research

A note from Rachel Coleman and Emilie de Azevedo Brown, co-creators of Signing Time and Two Little Hands Productions, the company that commissioned this white paper. “Until now, if you wanted to get an objective summary of the academic research on signing with babies and children that has been conducted over the past three decades, you would have had to pull together findings from a wide array of disparate and sometimes obscure sources. Now, thanks to Dr. Claire Vallotton, a trusted authority and leading researcher on this topic, you now have access to a comprehensive reference list of 68 studies …

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How to use sign language to spark your baby’s love of books

By Lane Rebelo, LCSW, Certified Master Signing Time Instructor Reading with your baby every day is not only good for her budding language and communication skills, it can also be a wonderful time to play and learn too! Using American Sign Language can help take baby’s reading time to a whole new level as you stimulate her senses while engaging more areas of her growing brain. Picking Books to Read With Baby Babies love colorful board books with chunky pages that are sturdy and easy to turn. Touch-and-feel books offer stimulating textures for little fingers to explore, and lift-the-flap features …

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