Educational Articles

Signing Time or Baby Signing Time?

“Which video series should I start with: Baby Signing Time or Signing Time?” This is a question that many parents ask us. In truth, your children will learn sign language with any of our American Sign Language (ASL) videos. Here is what our Customer Care team says about choosing the video series that will best fit the needs of your family: If your child is age 0-3, start with Baby Signing Time If your child is 3 or older, start with Signing Time If you have a child in each age range, the choice is yours. However, we recommend starting with Baby Signing Time and then …

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9 ASL Signs all Pediatric Healthcare Professionals Should Know

Jill Eversmann Speech-Language Pathologist, Signing Time Academy Instructor, Speaker with Cross Country Education Healthcare professionals can make a big difference in interactions with patients who sign by knowing a few basic signs.  Many hearing patients use signs, either as a temporary tool or for a long term communication system if they are nonverbal.  When working with hearing patients who sign, you can confirm that you understand a sign just by saying the word to ask if you are correct. *Please note that Deaf patients have a legal right to a medical interpreter and knowing a few signs does not take the place …

9 ASL Signs all Pediatric Healthcare Professionals Should Know Read More »

Rethinking Screen Time

  “The American Academy of Pediatrics is reviewing media guidelines in the era of iPads and educational apps, acknowledging that no screen time before age 2 and the two-hour limit for older children may be outdated.” Wall Street Journal’s Sumathi Reddy explains on Lunch Break With Tanya Rivero.   In an article by Sumathi Reddy in the Wall Street Journal on October 12th, 2015 it reads: In a nod to the changing nature of digital media and technology, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced this month that it is starting the process of revising its ironclad guidelines for children and …

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What if your whole school used sign language?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What would it look like if all the students in your school used signs to enhance learning?  What would a typical day in class look like? What would the teachers think? How would parents react? How would it affect bilingual students? How would it affect special needs students? With the help of our friends at The STAR school, a bilingual charter school in Arizona serving the Navajo Nation, you can see how beneficial and fun a school-wide signing program can be! Read Video Transcript About this video The STAR School 3-to-3rd Project infuses both American Sign and Navajo Languages throughout …

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Supporting Down Syndrome Awareness Month

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C. October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month and Signing Time is proud to be a long-standing supporter of children with Down syndrome and their families. Signing Time Co-founder Rachel Coleman can often be found at Buddy Walks around the country, and we’ve been working hard to build a great database of resources for you to use when signing with children who have Down syndrome. The goal of the Buddy Walk is to promote understanding and acceptance of people with Down syndrome. “My September and October weekends are filled with Buddy Walks!” says Rachel. “At each …

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Sign Language for Kids 60 Proven Benefits That Will Have You Signing Forever

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C. Baby sign language has lots of benefits and many people are on board with signing with babies. But what about using sign language for kids who have developed some spoken language? Should you still sign? While there may naturally be a (sometimes temporary) downturn in using sign after spoken language emerges, we say stick with it! The benefits are vast. In fact, we have 60 great reasons to keep signing compiled for you here. A big shout out and thanks to our amazing Signing Time and Baby Signing Time Facebook communities for helping with this …

Sign Language for Kids 60 Proven Benefits That Will Have You Signing Forever Read More »

5 Myths About Signing With Your Child

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C. We’re so happy you’ve decided to start signing with your child! The decision to do so often comes with lots of questions, and maybe even a few misconceptions. Let’s bust some of the myths about signing with children so you can have the best experience possible. Myth 1 – There’s a perfect time to start (and we might have missed it!): Parents of infants always ask when the “best” time to start signing might be. They worry they are starting too soon, or too late. Parents of children who are talking think it is definitely …

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Can signing make you a better teacher?

We often talk about the benefits of signing in terms of the benefits it has for children: less frustration, bigger vocabularies, increased learning and retention – the list goes on. Can signing benefit teachers, too? Dr. Claire Vallotton from Michigan State University conducted several studies to explore this question. Careful observation of teacher behavior revealed that early child educators are more responsive to preverbal children when the children are using signs. When children sign, teachers are better at: making eye contact talking with children being warm and affectionate responding to children’s needs In another study, teachers said they know the children better, and they pay closer attention when children are …

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It’s Signing Time! Teaching ASL Signs for School

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C   For Teachers: Research shows that when your students’ hands are moving, their minds are learning! This activity will help you teach ASL signs related to school. Review the school signs with your class. Learn them by watching Volume 13: Welcome to School or by printing these School Signs Flash Cards. Say and sign the poem “This is Our Teacher” from the Signing Time Classroom Edition. This is a great activity for the beginning of the day. This is our TEACHER This is our SCHOOL This is our CLASS Our CLASS is cool! We are the STUDENTS Who come here …

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Teaching Children About Other Cultures

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C   Our world is truly a global village! This phenomenon makes it easy and fun to introduce your children to other cultures from all over the globe. Fostering an appreciation for other cultures not only expands children’s borders, but also begins to lay an important foundation for tolerance and understanding of others who are not like us, or live differently than we do. Our world can always use a little more of that.   If your child is old enough, choose a country of focus and find it on the map or look at some …

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