Signing Time

Today Show highlights Toddler who can read-Signing Time helps

Remember that 17-month old toddler, Elizabeth Barrett, who astonished us all when she proved that reading at such a young age was possible? Last March, Elizabeth and her parents were invited to appear on the Today Show, where Elizabeth read words and even sentences in front of a nation-wide audience. Elizabeth’s parents attribute her early reading in part to Signing Time. According to the Today Show website, “The Barretts are speech pathologists, and when Elizabeth was born, they started teaching her sign language along with spoken language. They read to her often, and her favorite television program — the only …

Today Show highlights Toddler who can read-Signing Time helps Read More »

Signing Time Halloween

Happy early Halloween from Signing Time! We wanted to share a cute email we got the other day from a fan: Hi there, We thought the Signing Time team might get a kick out of seeing some of their fan club dressed up for Halloween. Brynn, our two-year-old daughter, was one of the signers for Baby Signing Time. She wanted to be Rachel for Halloween, so we did our best with a yellow hoodie and magic markers. We also dressed up her baby sister, Paigey, as Hopkins. As the picture shows, Brynn is pretty excited about it. Baby Hopkins, not …

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Rachel in Klamath Falls, Oregon

See Rachel at the Klamath Falls Early Childhood Education Conference and Literacy Fair Early Childhood Education Literacy Fair: Show Me a Sign When: Friday, October 31st. The Literacy Fair is from 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Rachel will be performing at 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Where: Altamont Elementary School, located at 2450 Summers Lane in Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603. Additional Information: This is a free public event that will focus on early childhood communication from birth to age eight years old. Children will receive free books and can participate in many other fun activities. Klamath Falls Chapter of the …

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Signing Time Star

You think you’ve got a Signing Time star? Send us your video and one lucky family each month will be featured on our website and monthly newsletter!! If we choose your video, winners will be notified by email and will receive a $25 gift certificate to use in the Signing Time store! You can learn some great tips on how your child can become the next Signing Time Star and enter your child by visiting the Signing Time Star page on our website.

Wilmington News

There are still news reports coming in from Rachel’s visit to Wilmington, North Carolina. I just couldn’t let these pass by without you knowing about them. You can watch the latest Signing Time related news clip on the WWAY-TV Channel 3 website.


Since the release of our new website and blog, many of you have requested that we post this article written by Lex de Azevedo, President of Signing Time, and father of Rachel Coleman and Emilie Brown. We included the original article in one of our newsletters that we put out earlier this year, but like it so much that we want to share it again. If you would like to begin receiving newsletters, visit our Monthly Newsletter Home Page. This article is an excerpt from Out of the Chaos: Notes on Raising Nine Independent Children Ransacked! June 2008 by Lex …

Ransacked! Read More »

Inside Scoop on BST 3 & 4

A letter from Emilie Brown, Co-creator of Signing Time Don’t you love fall? I sure do. October is inevitably one of the busiest times for us at Two Little Hands Productions. Aside from dealing with the reality that school is back is session, and winter is around the corner, October means that we better have everything ready for the holidays.  It’s also National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, which means Rachel is on the road non-stop performing at Buddy Walks around the country. (Plus her birthday is in October!)

Children with Down Syndrome take to Signing Time

Signing Time is for children of all abilities, including children who have Down syndrome. Since it is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, we compiled different stories from parents all over the United States, who have shared their experience using Signing Time with their children who have Down Syndrome. We hope you are enlightened by what others have to say. Feel free to share your stories too. Solid Means of Communication By Tammy H. mother of Parker from Alpine, UT Parker was in the PICU after a very frightening surgery to remove his tonsils. Because of airway issues he …

Children with Down Syndrome take to Signing Time Read More »

Reporting from Raleigh

Hello Everyone, Alex, Leah, Rachel and the rest of the Signing Time team made it to Raleigh, North Carolina last night and will shortly be on our way to the Triangle Down Syndrome Network Buddy Walk. We have already received some great interviews surrounding the event. Yesterday morning at 7:30 a.m., WRAL invited participants of the Buddy Walk to talk about the event and also their excitement to see Rachel, Alex and Leah. You can see the coverage so far on the WRAL website. Cathie Tutka, a Buddy Walk organizer, her daughter Melanie and Rachel also had an interview this …

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Rachel in Wilmington, North Carolina

For all of you living in or around Wilmington, North Carolina, Rachel and Leah will be having a special meet and greet in your area. You can come and chat with her and ask her all those questions that are burning in your mind. Here are the details: WHEN: Monday, October 13th at 3:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. WHERE: Northeast Branch Library located at 1241 Military Cutoff Rd, Wilmington, NC 28405 WHY: Because we love our Signing Time fans and want to hear your stories!

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