Gina Ogden

grow your family's reading habits

Grow Your Family’s Reading Habits This Month

November is known for beginning the holiday season with Thanksgiving. But did you know that November is also National Literacy Month? We all know that reading is a really important skill for our children. It’s also a really great way to keep our minds sharp as we grow older. So this is a great time to grow our family’s reading habits! Plus, My Signing Time has lots of beginning reading resources to help your kids. What is National Literacy Month? The point of National Literacy Month is to get families to enjoy reading together. There is a special emphasis on …

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signs to learn with our kids for Halloween

Signs to Learn with Our Kids for Halloween

The Halloween season is a perfect time to incorporate some new signs into your family’s vocabulary! With the changing weather, the fun costumes we’re planning, and the treats of the season, there are certainly plenty of words we can practice in American Sign Language. So let’s choose a few new signs to learn with our kids for Halloween. Halloween signs Firstly, over at My Signing Time, we have a short, free show to help you learn some typical Halloween signs. Head on over to My Signing Time to watch Signing Time Halloween Signs in our Watch Free section. In this …

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Ways to Teach our Kids Through Fall Fun

Ways to Teach Our Kids Through Fall Fun

We are well into the fall season, and you may have already enjoyed some fall activities with your family. There are so many iconic fall activities like picking apples, jumping into leaf piles, and looking at beautiful foliage. So while we are enjoying these fun fall activities with our kids, let’s look for ways to pull in some teaching opportunities as well. Let’s look for ways to teach our kids through our fall fun times. Learn with Apples Apples are a standard fall food, and fall is the best time of year to eat apples. While you fill baskets with …

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ways to make coloring more exciting

Ways to Make Coloring More Exciting for Our Kids 

Do your kids love to color? It’s a pretty standard activity for most children. And while coloring is an old standby kind of activity, it can also be easily forgotten. In my own home, there is a collection of coloring books that haven’t been used for ages. Or it could be that your kids color so often that it’s become boring. So how can we make coloring a little more engaging for our kids? It may be that we simply need to take out some crayons and paper and place them out to be used. But maybe we could find …

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ways to grow your intergenerational circle

3 Ways to Grow Your Intergenerational Circle

September is Intergeneration Month! We’re usually pretty good at spending time with our own peer groups. With our own age groups, we tend to feel like we have more in common. But Intergeneration Month is all about helping different age groups to get to know each other and build valuable relationships. Why does this matter? There are surprising benefits to having sincere friendships with different generations, for both you and your children. Let’s look at 3 ways to grow your intergenerational circle. Do you and your kids tend to hang around only your own peer groups? It’s so easy to …

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Help Our Kids Learn to Adapt to Changes

3 Ways to Build Contentment in Our Kids

We live in a world where there is a lot of wanting. Many of our wants are reasonable and fair, like the things we really need. Of course we want our families to be cared for, to have a place to live and food to eat. At the same time, most of us can honestly say that we want a lot more than we need. Again, not automatically a negative thing, but it is a thing that can take us over. And it’s no different for our kids. In fact, learning to regulate their wants is a part of maturing …

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Build Your Own Back-to-School Plan

Build Your Own Back-to-School Plan with Signing Time

The calendar keeps speeding along, and now we’re in the thick of the back-to-school season. But many of us have little ones who are still at home and are not heading back to school. And many of our school-aged kids could use some extra help outside of school. And then there are the kids who are ready to start learning even though they are still too young for school. In each of these situations, My Signing Time can help. Check out our back-to-school resources, and see what tools you can use to build your own back-to-school plan. Are you looking …

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Make some happiness happen this month

Make Some Happiness Happen this Month

It’s August, and many of us feel the end of summer approaching. Many places have started back to school already, and we can feel the end of the fun sinking in. It’s easy to feel a little down with the end of summer time. So it’s kind of fitting that August is officially “Happiness Happens Month.” Happiness Happens Month is about celebrating things that make us happy. It’s a great way to focus on the good and to squeeze in a little more fun, and maybe even stretch it past the summer into the fall season. So what can we …

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Ways to Fight Your Kids' Summer Boredom

Ways to Fight Your Kids’ Summer Boredom

Here we are at the end of July. Summer camps are finishing up, and our kids have been to the pool dozens of times. There are only a few weeks until school begins, so parents of school aged children are getting into a school-prep mindset. While we parents are leaving our summer mindsets behind, our kids are not. They are still off from school, but they are probably getting bored. And while it can be good for our kids to work through their boredom, it’s nice to have a few ideas to help them. So here are 5 ways to …

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Learn Some Picnic Signs This Month

Learn Some Picnic Signs This Month

July is National Picnic Month, and the timing couldn’t be better. The middle of summer is the perfect time to get together with friends or to spend time in nature. It’s also a great time to escape to the mountains, the lake, or the beach. And of course, food is always a fun part of time with friends or a fun getaway. So while we enjoy picnicking this July, let’s learn some signs to use with our kids along the way. Here are some picnic signs to learn this month. Picnic Signs It makes sense for us to begin with …

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