Gina Ogden

grow a children's garden

Grow a Children’s Garden this Spring

Spring is just around the corner. In some places, it has already started! Many of us are planning or even starting our gardens, while many of us are happy to leave that effort to others. Whether you plan to have a huge garden or you don’t plan to have a garden at all, a children’s garden can be a fun project for your family. And now would be the time to make a plan to grow a children’s garden. Learning and growing Gardening, even on a very small scale, can help our kids learn in several ways. As they tend …

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have fun learning about weather

Have Fun Learning About Weather Together

Children love science, especially when it is a hands-on activity. And science really is fun and easy when it’s on a child’s level. This time of year, when the seasons are changing, it’s a great time to observe different types of weather. Our Rachel and the Treeschoolers: Rainy Day Guide is full of fun and easy activities you can do at home to help explore the weather and create some wonderful memories, too! Take a Weather Nature Walk, Make your Own TreeSchoolers Play, Make a Rainy Day Book, and practice singing and signing some of the weather terminology explored in …

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teach responsibility to your kids

Can We Teach Our Kids To Be Joyful and Responsible?

As parents, we are each working to raise responsible adults. This is not usually the first thing on our minds when we have really little children. We are focused on keeping them healthy and happy. Even with little kids though, we can start teaching personal responsibility. Understanding how to be responsible is important to living a happy, healthy lifestyle. It may take a little tweaking to our thinking and parenting style, but we can teach responsibility to our kids so that they can joyfully thrive in our schools and our communities. What exactly do we mean by responsibility? Responsibility is …

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make a family emergency plan

How To Make a Family Emergency Plan

While our world is quite a beautiful place, it also has its share of danger and disaster. Some of us have regular tornado warnings, while others endure the surprise quaking of the earth. It could be a hurricane, a tsunami, a fire, a flood, or a volcanic eruption. You could be dealing with a bunker, a shelter, or an evacuation. Around the world we have our fair share of emergency situations, and it is wise to have some kind of plan for handling an emergency situation with your family.  Making a Plan The very first step for handling an emergency …

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combat winter boredom with some creativity and fun

Combat Winter Boredom with Creativity and Fun

The winter months can feel long and wearying, especially for those of us who live in colder climates. It can be difficult for children to be indoors day after day. As boredom sets in, we parents are often expected to provide ideas and entertainment. While we may feel that we have to come up with something different and amazing, simple and easy activities can be just as effective. We can combat winter boredom with some creativity and fun. Your approach matters The way we approach any activity influences the way our children see it as well. When we present something …

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ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day as a family

Heartfelt Ideas for a Fun Valentine’s Day at Home

Valentine’s Day is coming soon! While we typically celebrate romantic love on Valentine’s Day, we can use the spirit of the day to celebrate love in lots of ways. This is a day we can use to teach our kids about love in everyday life and love with family and friends. And if you get really excited about it, you might celebrate for a week, or even all month! So here are some ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day as a family. Teach the meaning of Valentine’s Day There are multiple histories of St. Valentine, who was likely several different men. …

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Exercising at home with your kids

Boost Happiness and Energy: Exercise More with Your Kids

We’re at the end of January, and we all need to find ways to boost happiness and energy in our daily life. This is the month when many of us decide to get back to exercising. During this time of pandemic, we may not have the option to hit the gym. At-home options are key now. But with young children, or even with school aged children at home more often, it’s not always easy to find a good time to work out alone. So why not try to make exercising a together thing? Start exercising at home with your kids! …

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help your kids learn to serve others

Help Your Kids Learn to Serve Others

I think we’d all agree that our world is in a good bit of turmoil. There is a worldwide pandemic, the resulting economic concerns, racial turmoil, and political unrest. How do we process all the tension and unkindness with our kids? As parents, it’s our job to help our kids process current events and navigate the world around them. So, in a time with such unrest and unkindness, let’s help our kids move forward in kindness. Let’s help our kids learn to serve others. Why does this matter? Well, the best way to combat the dark is to bring in …

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keeping plants can be healthy and fun

Keeping Houseplants Can Be Healthy and Fun

It can be fun to explore the lesser known days in our calendars. Did you know that January 10, 2021 is National Houseplant Appreciation Day? This is a fun find, and it’s quite fitting for this time of year. Keeping houseplants can be healthy and fun! Many of us have put away our holiday decorations. After the lights and colors of the holidays, our homes can seem rather plain. Houseplants can add some life and vibrance back into our homes. Additionally, January is winter for many of us, and it does not provide much greenery or life. Houseplants give us …

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Strengthening Our Family Relationships

Setting New Year Goals with Our Kids

It’s that time of year! We’re thinking ahead to the new year. How can we make things better? And in the turmoil and the pandemic of 2020, we’re all hoping things will get better in 2021. While we can’t control the world around us, we can certainly make good choices for ourselves and our families. So, let’s look at some things to consider in setting new year goals with your kids. Do New Year goals even matter? We’ve all set resolutions, only to give up on them within a short time. So is there any reason to keep trying? Research …

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