Gina Ogden

Celebrate Halloween with My Signing Time

Celebrate Halloween with My Signing Time

At My Signing Time, we’re all about learning and fun! So with Halloween approaching, it’s a great time to check out our Halloween resources. We have several Halloween shows that you can use to teach your kids both at home or in a school setting. And we have lots of fun Halloween crafts that you can use. Even if you don’t have a subscription, we have Halloween resources for you. Check out what we have, and see how you can celebrate Halloween with My Signing Time!  Signing Time Halloween Signs Let’s start with learning some Halloween signs. What a great …

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help our kids deal with loss

How to help our kids deal with loss in a healthy way

As adults, we know that loss is part of living. At this point in life, we’ve each had to deal with some kind of loss. It could be the loss of a pet, a loved one, a relationship. Even though we’ve been through loss ourselves, it can be difficult to know how to guide our children through loss. It can even be difficult to know how to process our own sense of loss in front of our kids. So how can we help our kids deal with loss in a healthy way? There is no “right way” to grieve Each …

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help your kids learn to use their voices

Help Your Kids Learn to Use Their Voices Against Abuse

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This may seem to have little to do with our children, especially if you have healthy relationships in your family. But violence in the family setting goes much further than what we typically assume, and it is important for us to equip our children with the tools they need to combat abuse, no matter where they may encounter it. One of the key strategies for preventing any problem is awareness. When we know more about an issue, we are more empowered to identify it and prevent it. And with this knowledge, let’s help our …

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fun things to teach your little ones

Three Fun Things to Teach Your Little Ones in October

We are well into our transitions from summer to fall. New school routines have settled in, and hopefully they are working out well for your family. Brand new preschoolers are real pros now, and even parents may have adopted new routines after a busy summer. For our really little ones, though, days can run together and life might be getting a little uninteresting. At this point, we parents start looking for more ideas to keep our littlest ones busy at home. Thankfully, they are easy to please, so let’s look at three fun things to teach your little ones in …

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make a plan for a better breakfast

It’s Time to Make a Plan for a Better Breakfast

We’ve all heard that breakfast is an important meal. After fasting all night, our bodies need some fuel before heading into another day. This is especially true for children. And since September 26 is National Better Breakfast Day, it’s a great time to reconsider how we do breakfasts with our kids. Let’s look at how we can make a plan for a better breakfast for our families. The convenience issue Mornings are hard. If we aren’t heading to work or trying to get to school, then we might be juggling young children at home after very little sleep. No matter …

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encourage your kids to be themselves

Encourage Your Kids to Be Themselves

While in theory, kids have little responsibility or pressure, the opposite can often be true. Kids can feel pressure from both family and friends to have to be all kinds of things. Some of the things we expect of our kids are necessary and important for their character growth. But sometimes we can expect our kids to fit the ideas that we have for them. We can even be guilty of expecting them to be just like us. It’s easy to fall into any of these pressures that we as parents can place on our kids. So let’s look at …

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make some fun memories this fall

Make Some Fun Memories This Fall

The calendar changed again last week as this year charges on full speed ahead. Here we are in the month that officially begins the fall season. Do you celebrate the changing of seasons in your family? Are there any special fall traditions you enjoy? Do you always decorate for fall? When you think of all this, the beginning of fall is a wonderful time to learn together and to find things to enjoy with your family. Let’s make some fun memories this fall! Memories and Traditions I grew up in a place where the autumn leaves were just amazing. When …

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Let’s support each other as parents

Let’s Support Each Other As Parents

Are things a little crazy at your house lately? They are at mine. With all the back to school activity, it can be easy to feel a bit overwhelmed. We’re dealing with early morning chaos and with kids who are beyond exhausted. When you add in extracurricular activities and after-school commitments, our calendars are more than full! As our families adjust to new, busy schedules, we also face the challenge of our own individual stress and irritability. There’s a lot going on! So, in the middle of all the craziness, let’s support each other as parents. There are so many …

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Lazy Moms Day

National Lazy Mom’s Day is Coming Up!

Did you know that September 3rd is National Lazy Mom‘s Day? When I first saw that, I was a bit annoyed. Lazy moms? What kind of a day is that? It sounds so judgy, not at all like supporting each other as parents or thinking the best of someone. Thankfully, it’s a joke! It’s a day for moms to intentionally take a break, to make a choice to be “lazy.” Yes, there’s Mother’s Day, but that ends up being a very busy mothering day for most of us moms. Lazy Mom’s Day is supposed to be a time to plan …

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talking to our kids about difficult issues

Talking about Difficult Issues with Our Children

Our world has been in a state of unrest, conflict, and tragedy for a while now. Even if your kids don’t watch the news, they are likely to hear you discussing some of the difficult things going on in the world. While we don’t have to expose our kids to every ugly thing, we can help them become strong and compassionate by helping them understand the difficult issues. When we help them see every part of the world they live in, we help them grow personally as well. So how can we get better at talking about difficult issues with …

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